What we do:
At Crowdfund 360 our goal is simple: We want to help you run a successful crowdfunding campaign with as little stress as possible and over 80% of our clients hit and surpass their targets. We help our clients through a variety of methods but mostly we share our proven to work strategy and hold them accountable for each step. Kind of like a coach, we are there for all the ups and downs you will face and we become your team in terms of brainstorming, providing ideas and aiding with the execution. Our work is tailored to each client’s needs and as much as possible delivered in a way that suits their learning style.
We pride ourself on our award winning processes which have delivered astonishing results over the last 4+years which is why we have a money back guarentee on most of our services. We take all the information from your head, and all the connections from your life and make them work in the best way possible for your campaign.
At Crowdfund 360 we are focused on efficiency (probably due to the fact I started my professional career in the Netherlands) and that is efficiency for our clients to get the highest ROI and efficiency in our time too. All the business elements of Crowdfund 360 (accounts, onboarding, marketing, business development etc) are streamlined and non-negitiable so that we can spend the majority of the time working for our paying clients.
We work with clients who are adding value to the world and making it a better place. They could be charities, social enterprises, for profits or sole traders – we don’t mind how you have set up your idea, we only care that it’s helping the world.
We pride ourselves on our ability to upskill clients and their teams so that they can run future campaigns without our support in order for them to become sustainable and continue benefitting the world.
We provide a safe space for clients to share their worries and fears around being vulnerable with their projects and we take our role in this situaiton very seriously providing a listening ear and as much practical support as possible.
What we don’t do:
This is the important bit:
We are not a full service agency that is going to do everything for you – and to be honest, anyone that promises this is probably lying and you’ll not make much money. We never buy email lists, backers, followers and we don’t focus on cold emailing or paid advertising until we know it is likely to work (when you have hit around 70% funded).
We don’t work with clients who haven’t already got some level of a crowd and figured out their target market – though if that’s you, our 6 week building a crowd course will get you to that place. We don’t work with organisations that aren’t adding any benefit to the world and we definitely don’t work with any organisations who are harming the world in any way.
We don’t work with clients who think they are so unique that I cannot possibly have ever encountered any other organistion as good as theirs. We do not work with clients who think their project won’t fit our plan and we must work around their needs and we do not work with clients who come up with excuse after excuse as to why they couldn’t get the work done. After 70+ campaigns, everyone pretty much has the same problems and needs and if you don’t do the work, you’re realistically only harming your own chances of success.
We don’t work with clients who don’t want to pay us. Given that we are actually directly raising you money – we deserve to be paid for that! We also don’t work with clients who don’t work around our payment terms. Again we have streamlined everything to spend as little time as possible chasing payments and as much time as possible working with clients.
We don’t work with clients who don’t respect the amount of time, talent and expertise it takes to run a crowdfunding campaign. If you believe it is so easy and quick – you can probably go try it yourself. I haven’t developed a business that’s lasted this long over some qet-rich-quick-scheme and to be honest – if it was so easy and quick, I’d probably have a lot more competitors.
We don’t work with clients who just want to money NOW. There are so many medium to long terms benefits of crowdfunding and there are so many non-financial benefits to crowdfunding. Like I always say, if you just want the money – don’t crowdfund.
What you need to do:
You need to want to make the world a better place. You need to want to learn some new skills and really push yourself and your team if you have one. You need to be aware that this is going to take time and effort and it will be hard but worth it.
You need to be passionate about your project, determined, motivated and ready to work harder than you have probable ever worked before.
You need to be ready for the people you thought would support you to potentially disengage (temporarily). You need to be ready to ask for help and money and you need to be ready for rejection. Of course this doesn’t sound good and most people especially in UK are not ready for this – that’s fine but at the very least you need to be ready to try it out.
You need to be ready to give it your all. There is a direct correlation between effort/time and amount raised in crowdfunding.