OurSpace Lambeth

Ourspace crowdfunded £4,573 on Crowdfunder to train 21 leaders in Lambeth, London to become mentors and coaches to their communities. They exceeded their initial goal.

Steph from Ourspace took our 8 week crowdfunding course in collaboration with Business Launchpad, which was aimed specifically at young social entrepreneurs in London. After she attended all the sessions, she has launched her team’s crowdfunding campaign on Crowdfunder.

Ourspace aims to train local community leaders to improve their communities which are under threat from gentrification by creating more community led businesses.

Steph reached 27% of her target within 24 hours and ended her crowdfunding campaign with extra cash for her project. Lambeth Council provided £2,262 to this campaign through match-funding.

The course Steph took follows that of our online 8 part crowdfunding training course. More information on that course can be found here.

Visit the Crowdfunder page here

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Posted on

April 18, 2019